Lavage for Rotator Cuff Calcific Tendinitis

What is calcific tendonitis?
Calcium deposits build up in your muscles or tendons, causing calcific tendonitis (or tendinitis). This can develop everywhere in the body, but it most commonly happens in the rotator cuff.
The rotator cuff joins your upper arm to your shoulder via a collection of muscles and tendons. Calcium accumulation in this region might limit your arm’s range of motion and create pain and discomfort.
Calcific tendonitis is one of the most prevalent reasons for shoulder discomfort, according to Trusted Source. If you do a lot of overhead motions, such as heavy lifting, or if you play sports like basketball or tennis, you’re more likely to be impacted.
You should still consult an orthopaedic surgeon for a diagnosis, even though it can typically be managed with medicine or physical therapy. Surgery may be required in some circumstances.
What are the causes of calcific tendonitis of the shoulder?
The actual reason for this is unknown. The issue is most usually caused by shoulder wear and strain (rotator cuff tear). Its progression is also influenced by ageing. It is more prevalent in adults over the age of 40.
What are the symptoms of shoulder calcific tendonitis?
Do not presume that any of these symptoms are caused by calcific tendinitis. Other circumstances might be at blame. If you have any of the following symptoms, tell your doctor:
- Pain that Appears Out of Nowhere
- When I Move My Shoulder, I Get a lot of Discomfort.
- Persistent Shoulder Pain
- Shoulder Stiffness
- Shoulder Range of Motion Loss
- Sleep-disrupting Pain
- Tenderness in the Area of the Rotator Cuff
- Muscle Mass is lost.

Are you suffering from calcific tendinitis?
Calcium deposits (calcification) sometimes gradually form inside the tendons of the shoulder (rotator cuff).
While normally painless, these deposits can grow in size and cause severe pain that worsens at night and can disturb sleep.
- A simple X-ray is used to determine whether calcium deposits or buildups of calcium deposits have formed.
- If left untreated, this condition can lead to a loss of shoulder mobility and function.
- The first line of treatment is rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
What is a lavage procedure?
- If the shoulder doesn’t heal on its own, a lavage, or aspiration using a needle, may prove beneficial.
- The lavage procedure is performed under local anesthesia by a specialist using ultrasound.
- Ultrasound-Guided injection Treatment: Ultrasound is used to guide the needle and inject saline into the calcium deposits to help dissolve them and then remove the calcium deposit or calcium builds.
- A cortisone shot is given at the end of the procedure.
- More than 75% of patients see an improvement after a lavage.
- Some deposits that are either too large or too stubborn require arthroscopy (arthroscopic surgery for removal).
How to Sleep With Calcific Tendonitis
When suffering from calcific tendonitis, you should not sleep on your affected shoulder. Doing so might make you feel pain, discomfort, and compression of the irritated tendons. However, calcific tendonitis can be treated with ice, shoulder exercises and rest.
Also, before going to bed, there are a few things you may do to assist you to sleep.
- For 15 to 20 minutes, ice your injured shoulder. This can aid in the reduction of pain and inflammation. To avoid ice burn, remember to wrap your ice pack with a towel.
- Take pain relievers.
- Take pain medicine given by your doctor or an anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal drug like ibuprofen to help you feel better.
- Reading for 20 minutes or so might help you forget about your pain. In fact, you can read a book while also icing your shoulder. Reading is a great way to unwind and wear yourself out.
What are the medical treatments for calcific tendonitis of the shoulder?
The following items are likely to be included in your medical treatment plan:
- Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Medications (NSAIDs)
- Rest
- Ice and/or Heat
- Muscle strengthening physical therapy
- Steroid Injections: To reduce inflammation and discomfort, a steroid (such as cortisone) might be injected directly into your shoulder.
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Dr. Marc Beauchamp: the doctor for shoulder and elbow pain